Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost

Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost, enriched with biostimulants, is perfect for all flowering plants and vegetables.

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·       Suitable for all plants on balconies and terraces.

·       50% less watering.

·       Enriched with biostimulants

·       Can be used in organic farming in accordance with the current European legislation.

Avantages produit

Riche en oligo-éléments qui garantissent la nutrition des plantes
Favorise une floraison intense et prolongée
Fertilise les sols en profondeur et favorise le développement des racines
Limite l’évaporation du sol et contribue aux économies d’arrosages
Produit utilisable en agriculture biologique

Conseils d'utilisation

Lieu d'utilisation

A l'intérieur

Balcon / Terrasse


How to use Tonusol vegetable fertilized soil
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Black peat, white sphagnum peat moss, horse manure, composted conifer bark, marine algae, powdered horn, Lombric Compost.


    -        Spread a layer of gravel or clay pebbles at the bottom of the container for drainage.

    -        Fill with Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost.

    -        Plant, pack, water.

    General care:

    -        Twice a year, replace the top 5 to 8 cm layer (2 to 3 inches) of the old compost with fresh Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost.

    -        Every 4 months, add a 2 cm layer (0.8 inch) of Tonusol’s Lombric Compost as fertilizer.



    In open ground:

    -        Incorporate 8 to 10 liters / m2 (2 to 2.5 gal / 10 ft2) of Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost with a cultivator.

    -        Sow then cover the seeds with a thin layer of Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost in order to improve germination.

    In pot, propagator:

    -        Fill the container (box, propagator, garden bed, pot) up to 1.5 cm (0.6 inch) from the rim with Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost.

    -        Sow then cover the seeds with a thin layer of Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost.

    -        Pack and water before placing the dome or a clear plastic sheet to retain moisture.


    -        In furrows. Spread a 4 to 5 cm layer (1.6 to 2 inches) of Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost at the bottom.

    -        Transplant, stake, water.

    In beddings:

    -        Mix Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost with your garden soil over a 6 cm-deep layer (2.4 inches).

    -        Transplant, stake, water.



    For all sorts of planting in pots, planters, and in open ground.

    -        Spread Tonusol’s Organic Indoor and Balcony Plants Compost all around the root ball.

    -        Enrich your soil by adding a 2 to 3 cm layer (0.8 to 1.2 inch) of compost in fall.

    -        In spring, remove the top layer of old compost and incorporate a fresh 2 to 3 cm layer (0.8 to 1.2 inch) around your plants.



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