Organic Green and Flowering Plants Compost

Tonusol’s Organic Green and Flowering Plants Compost is perfect for all plants, allowing them to naturally grow and bloom. Its exclusive formula has been designed to combine the qualities of various peats for better water storage and perfect aeration. It provides a nutritious medium perfect for root development. Very rich in trace elements, this compost increases resistance to diseases and parasites while enabling an intense and prolonged flowering.



Green and Flowering Plants Soil: Your Ally for a Thriving Indoor Garden

      Soil is much more than just a substrate for your plants. It is the foundation for their growth, providing them with essential nutrients and an ideal structure for root development. If you are looking for the perfect soil for your indoor green and flowering plants, this article will guide you in your choice and give you all the keys to successful growing.

      Ready to use, this soil is carefully developed to guarantee healthy and vigorous plants, optimal growth, abundant flowering and intense colors.

      44-551 growing medium / Soil with organic fertilizer.

   Why a Special Soil for Green and Flowering Plants?

      Indoor green and flowering plants have specific needs in terms of nutrition and soil texture. Our specially designed soil for them offers several advantages thanks to the following inputs:

      - Selection of the best blond and brown peat for good aeration of the roots.

      - Compost of conifer bark allows water to drain in case of heavy rain.

      - Seaweed rich in trace elements promotes green foliage and intense and prolonged flowering

       - The revitalizing qualities of Worm Compost, seaweed and coconut fiber increase resistance to diseases and parasites.


      The choice of soil is an essential step in successfully growing your indoor plants. By opting for quality soil adapted to your plants, you offer them the best growing conditions and you will have the satisfaction of seeing your plants flourish. Tonusol green & flowering plant soil is ideal for all plants which can thus grow and flourish naturally. Its exclusive formula has been designed to combine the qualities of peat for better water storage, perfect aeration and constitutes a nutrient medium favorable to the development of roots. Very rich in trace elements, this soil improves resistance to diseases and parasites by allowing intense and prolonged flowering.

Avantages produit

Régule l’humidité et permet l’évacuation de l’excès d’eau
Riche en oligo-éléments qui garantissent la nutrition des plantes
Fertilise les sols en profondeur et favorise le développement des racines
Améliore la résistance aux maladies et aux parasites
Produit utilisable en agriculture biologique

Conseils d'utilisation

Lieu d'utilisation

A l'intérieur

Balcon / Terrasse


How to use Tonusol vegetable fertilized soil
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  • A
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White sphagnum peat moss, composted conifer bark, black peat, coconut coir, horse manure, organic fertilizers, marine algae, Lombric Compost.


Green plants:

Repotting should be performed in spring or fall when roots start peering on the surface or through the drainage holes.

-        Pick a pot 2 cm (0.8 inch) larger in diameter than the previous one, carefully pull out the plant without damaging the roots. Cut off the dead ones.

-        Place shards or gravel at the bottom of the pot to ensure adequate drainage.

-        Fill 1/3 of the pot with Tonusol’s Organic Green and Flowering Plants Compost.

-        Place the plant right in the middle of the pot and pour the compost around the root ball up to 2 cm (0.8 inch) from the lip. Pack lightly and water generously.


-        For cacti and other succulents, mix 1/3 sand with 2/3 Tonusol’s Organic Green and Flowering Plants Compost.



About 3 months after repotting, add onto the surface of the pot some Tonusol’s Organic Lombric Compost 2 to 3 times a year.


Preferably in spring, even better in fall.


-        Mix 1/3 Tonusol’s Organic Green and Flowering Plants Compost with 2/3 garden soil and put a 15 cm-thick layer (6 inches) where you intend to plant.

Garden beds and planters:

-        Place shards or gravel at the bottom of the pot to ensure adequate drainage. Add some Tonusol’s Organic Green and Flowering Plants Compost, place your plants, fill up with some more compost. Pack lightly and water generously.


For outdoor gardening and planters

Every year in spring, remove the top 4 to 6 cm layer (1.6 to 2.4 inches) of the old compost and replace it with fresh Tonusol’s Organic Green and Flowering Plants Compost. Pack lightly with your hands and water generously.

For general care and to provide nutrients to your plants, add every 6 months some Tonusol’s Organic Lombric Compost onto the surface.

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