Organic Horticultural Compost

Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost is ideally suited for flowerbeds and shrubberies, garden plants (radish, lettuce, tomato, strawberry, eggplant…) Made with natural organic fertilizers, it is an all-purpose compost for both outdoor and indoor gardening.



Organic horticultural soil: a healthy choice for your plants

Organic horticultural soil is a growing medium made from raw materials of natural origin and composted, without the addition of synthetic chemical fertilizers or pesticides. It constitutes an ideal growing medium for plants, providing them with the essential nutrients for their growth and development.

Ready to use, this soil is highly recommended by horticultural professionals for its richness and the quality of its materials.

Growing medium NFU 44-551 / Soil with organic fertilizer.

Product benefits

Ready to use for planting in open ground, in pots or terrines, in planters or tubs, for repotting, sowing, cuttings and transplanting.

Product usable in organic farming in accordance with EC regulations 834/2007 and 889/2008.

  • Selection of the best blond and brown peat for good root aeration and high water retention capacity.
  • The softwood bark compost allows water to drain in case of heavy rain.
  • The fine perlite provides better aeration to the soil.
  • This soil gradually restores water to the roots, allowing them to develop harmoniously.
  • It allows better growth, the flowers are more vibrant.
  • The Worm Compost and organic fertilizer ensure complete and balanced fertilization.


Tonusol horticultural soil is ideal for flower beds and shrubs, vegetable gardens (radish, lettuce, tomato, strawberry, eggplant) ... Composed of natural organic fertilizers, it can be used for all indoor or outdoor garden work. It is a living, complete, balanced environment with a light and airy structure, recommended by horticultural professionals for its richness and the quality of its materials.

On the other hand, organic horticultural soil is a wise choice for all gardeners concerned about the environment and the quality of their crops. By opting for this type of product, you contribute to preserving biodiversity and promoting more sustainable agriculture. 

Avantages produit

Régule l’humidité et permet l’évacuation de l’excès d’eau
Apporte les minéraux indispensables pour une croissante harmonieuse des plantes
Favorise une floraison intense et prolongée
Favorise un meilleur goût des fruits et légumes
Fertilise les sols en profondeur et favorise le développement des racines
Produit utilisable en agriculture biologique

Conseils d'utilisation

Lieu d'utilisation

A l'intérieur

Balcon / Terrasse


How to use Tonusol vegetable fertilized soil
  • J
  • F
  • M
  • A
  • M
  • J
  • J
  • A
  • S
  • O
  • N
  • D

White sphagnum peat moss, composted conifer bark, black peat, horse manure, coconut coir, fine perlite, organic fertilizers, marine algae, Lombric Compost.

Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost with organic fertilizers is an all-purpose compost for both outdoor and indoor gardening:

·        Planting in open ground or pots of trees, shrubs, plants for flowerbeds and rock gardens.

·        Repotting green or flowering plants

·        Transplanting, cutting, sowing.



-        Mix 2/3 of Horticultural Compost with 1/3 of your garden soil.

-        Dig a hole three times larger than your root ball.

-        Place at the bottom of the hole some gravel or shards, cover with the Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost.

-        Water the root ball well and place it inside the hole.

-        Fill the hole up to the surface with the mix you prepared. Pack lightly and water.



-        Make sure your planter has enough drainage holes, one every 15 cm (6 inches).

-        Place shards or gravel at the bottom of the planter for the excess water to seep through.

-        Fill with Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost.

-        Dig holes slightly larger than your root balls, consider how the plants will grow. Fill with Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost, pack lightly and water.


-        Roots grow, it is therefore important to provide them with ample space by choosing a new pot that is 2 to 4 cm (0.8 to 1.6 inch) larger in diameter.

-        Soil tilth deteriorates with time, hence the need to enrich it periodically.

Flowerbeds: Mix 1/3 of Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost with 2/3 of your garden soil over a depth of 15 cm (6 inches).

Shrubs: Put a layer of about 10 cm (4 inches) of Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost at the bottom of the hole previously dug. Place the plant then fill with a mix of 1/3 Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost and 2/3 soil.



In open ground (vegetables and flowers): Incorporate 8 to 10 liters / m2 (2 to 2.5 gal / 10 ft2) of Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost to the surface area you plan to cultivate, then cover the seeds with compost to increase germination.

In pot or planter: Fill the container up to 5 cm (2 inches) from the rim with Tonusol’s Organic Horticultural Compost, level the compost, spray with water and sow at regular intervals. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of Horticultural Compost and place a clear plastic sheet on top.


TONUSOL’S ADVICE: For general care and to provide nutrients to your plants, add some Lombric Compost onto the surface every six months.



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