Organic Universal Compost

Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost meets high quality requirements and is ideally suited for organic vegetable gardens, fruit-bearing trees, flowers, lawns.



      Ready to use for planting in open ground, caring for garden beds, pots or planters, when sowing and transplanting flowers and vegetables, rejuvenating your lawn.

·       More bountiful blooming.

·       Fruits and vegetables taste better.

·       50% less watering.

·       Can be used in organic farming in accordance with the current European legislation.

Avantages produit

Régule l’humidité et permet l’évacuation de l’excès d’eau
Apporte les minéraux indispensables pour une croissante harmonieuse des plantes
Favorise une floraison intense et prolongée
Favorise un meilleur goût des fruits et légumes
Fertilise les sols en profondeur et favorise le développement des racines
Produit utilisable en agriculture biologique

Conseils d'utilisation

Lieu d'utilisation

A l'intérieur

Balcon / Terrasse


How to use Tonusol vegetable fertilized soil
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Black peat, white sphagnum peat moss, horse manure, composted conifer bark, marine algae, powdered horn, mycorrhiza, Lombric Compost.

In organic farming, the objective is to maintain soil fertility, which in turn nourishes the plants. Without good soil, there is no good harvest. Each year, renew the topsoil with the use of amendments and organic fertilizers. Avoid ploughing too deep. It is recommended to practice superficial aeration and breaking up cores on the surface, as well as rotating crops. At the end of the harvest, uproot and burn the plants in order to avoid diseases. In fall, amend your garden with Tonusol’s Organic Lombric Compost at a rate of 200g / m² (7 oz. / 10 ft2). Put some also at the foot of all plants when planting.



Fruit-bearing trees, flowers for beddings, shrubs:

-        Mix 2/3 of Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost with 1/3 garden soil.

-        Dig a hole 50x50x50cm (20x20x20 inches) and place your tree or flowers in the middle.

-        Fill with Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost. Pack and water generously.

Planting, fruit-bearing trees, naked roots and containers:

-        Mix 2/3 of Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost with 1/3 garden soil.

-        Dig a hole 3 to 4 times larger than the root ball and place your tree or flowers in the middle.

-        Drive a stake in before positioning your tree and fill the hole.

-        Pack and water generously.

General Care:

Twice a year, fertilize with Tonusol’s Lombric Compost.




-        Scatter gravel or clay pebbles at the bottom of the container to ensure drainage.

-        Fill the container with Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost.

-        Plant, pack, and water generously.


Every four months, add a 2 cm layer (0.8 inch) of Tonusol’s Lombric Compost as fertilizer.



In open ground:

-        Incorporate 8 to 10 liters / m2 (2 to 2.5 gal / 10 ft2) of Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost with a cultivator.

-        Sow then cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost in order to improve germination. Water generously.

In pot, propagator:

-        Fill the container (box, propagator, garden bed, pot) up to 1.5 cm (0.6 inch) from the rim with Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost.

-        Sow then cover the seeds with a thin layer of compost.

-        Pack and water before covering with a dome or clear plastic sheet to retain moisture.


-        In furrows: Place a 4 to 5 cm layer (1.6 to 2 inches) of Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost at the bottom of the furrows, transplant, stake, and water.

-        In beddings: Mix Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost with the soil from your garden, transplant, stake, and water.




-        Every year in spring, following the first mowing, scatter 20 liters / 1.000 m2 (5 gal / 10.800 ft2) of Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost.

-        Proceed with seeding your lawn with a fresh batch of seeds in order to obtain a green, lush cover.

Rejuvenating your lawn:

-        Every year in early spring, once you have removed the moss and weeds from your lawn, scatter some Tonusol’s Organic Universal Compost on all bare patches.

-        Sow and water generously.



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