Organic Garden Soil
Tonusol’s Organic Garden Soil nourishes the ground so that it provides more nutrients to the vegetation. It acts as much on the soil itself as on the plants.
· Ready to use. Can be used for planting in open ground, pots, or planters, for laying or renovating lawns, for general care in the garden, for plants in containers, for organic vegetable gardens when sowing and transplanting vegetables.
· 1 bag of Garden Soil = 3 bags of rich compost.
· Can be used in organic farming in accordance with the current European legislation.
Avantages produit

Conseils d'utilisation
Lieu d'utilisation
A l'intérieur
Balcon / Terrasse

A l'intérieur

Balcon / Terrasse

How to use Tonusol vegetable fertilized soil
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White sphagnum peat moss, black peat, composted conifer bark, horse manure, topsoil, Lombric Compost, powdered horn.
Tonusol’s Organic Garden Soil is best used in spring and fall when planting, and all year round for general care and for plants in containers.